Our Story
It was the month of June in the year of 1931 that Sister Zora Miller, a missionary from Deerfield Beach, Florida, came to Salerno because she had a burden for souls. Sister Miller had never heard about Salerno until it came to her through a vision from God. “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Being obedient to the Holy Spirit, Sister Miller and her husband, Brother George Miller a faithful deacon of the Church of God, Deerfield Beach, Florida, set out in search of Salerno. When they arrived at Salerno, crossing the railroad, she saw a vacant house and said to her husband, “That will be the Church of God; I saw it in my vision.”
The very first person that they met was Sister Margaret Poitier McKinney. What a surprise! She was not a stranger because Sister McKinney’s mother, Ruth Poitier and her brothers Hartman and H.G. Poitier along with her many other relatives lived in Deerfield Beach. Brother and Sister McKinney opened their doors to this missionary. Their home became a headquarters for Evangelist Miller and assistants.
Missionary Miller began her crusade for souls by having street meetings and house to house visitations. Before the week was over, she sent back to get two young girls, Winifred Thompson and Catherine McDonald. These dedicated ladies helped with the ministry. Later, Deacon Jeremiah Cox and Bishop H.G. Poitier joined her ministry followed by saints from Deerfield, Delray, and Jensen Beach. The fight for souls was on.
Souls began to come to Christ. Sister Anna Mackey was the first person to accept the Lord as her personal Savior. Satan became very angry, and he sought to use every means available to hinder God’s work. “If God is for us who can be against us,” was the attitude of the saints. Some citizens of Salerno were against the organization of a church. Sheriff McGee and the mayor came to see the Evangelist and threatened to put her in jail if the noise did not cease. The Evangelist told them that this was God’s work, and she could not stop. She would just have to be jailed. Brother Isaac Mackey said that he would go to jail with her. When the Evangelist began to talk with the Sheriff his mouth opened automatically, and she could look “part way” down his throat. When he was finally able to close his mouth, he left. The people of God won another round.
The church was set in order by Bishop H.G. Poitier. The first baptism was held on Jupiter Island. Evangelist W.S. Bow preached the baptism message, entitled, “Who Will Go to Bring the King Back Home?”